Yesterday (March 19) I attended 'Agile Do It!'. The program is the following
- Agile in Nutshell, Jonathan Rasmusson
- Project Management of Game development, Yoshihisa Hashimoto (CTO, Square Enix)
- Yahoo!, Rapid Software development, Onozawa (Yahoo!) and Takahashi (Yahoo!)
- Scrum on DeNA, Kaise (DeNA), Oide (DeNA), Mori (DeNA)
- Panel Discussion, Nishimura (Eiwa), Jonathan Rasmusson, Tachiki (Yahoo!), Takahashi (Yahoo!), Kaise (DeNA), Komai (DeNA), moderator Kakutani

All of the presentation except Jonathan are case study of each project. Many tacit knowledge were published and discussed. There were many scrum masters and we exchanged our experience.
I think this kind of meetup are very important and valuable. We can learn from each other and exchange our best practice, do/don't, good thing, bad thing and so on.
The after conference party was really good and I enjoyed so much. I would really appreciate DeNA who made the conference, speakers, and participants.